Social campaigns
Currently we have managed to impact more than 16.5 million people with the #PornEducation and #ValeMadres campaigns.
We continually create campaigns that aim to inform and raise awareness among Mexican youth about free, responsible, informed and pleasurable sexuality; and thus avoid unplanned pregnancies or the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
We firmly believe that every woman has the right to build the future she wants, which is why we launched “Not Today”, a campaign that seeks to open the conversation about motherhood and destigmatize women's decision to legally interrupt their pregnancy. Pregnancy.

For the MSI Foundation, in a Better World, women and men can make their own decisions, be owners of their futures to build a better Mexico.
Three girls tell us their stories and how they build a better world with them.
PornEducation aims to inform and raise awareness among young people about free, responsible and pleasurable sexuality through interactive materials, videos, infographics and the first Educational Porn film, Deep Pipes.

It was created to promote a culture of prevention in sexual and reproductive health among young people.
With original condom cages, we have been present in various cultural and recreational forums where young people gather, to send them the message of protection and self-care.
To raise awareness and reverse the problem in terms of contraception, teenage pregnancy, unsafe abortions and maternal deaths, we managed, with the help of influencers, to publicize the alarming figures in our country and complemented with testimonials from young people who faced unplanned pregnancies.