Frequently asked questions

What is an EMA clinic?

EMA clinics sare establishments regulated by health authorities where you can legally terminate a pregnancy.

You can consult them here.

What are the abortion clinics in CDMX?

Abortion clinics or EMA clinics are establishments regulated by health authorities where you can legally terminate a pregnancy.

We have 5 legal abortion clinics in CDMX, check them out here.

Thanks to our international experience and our specialists trained under the standards of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), the risks of interruption are minimal.

For aspiration, they can be:

  • Failed procedure (less than 1% of procedures may fail). However, we guarantee the procedure.

For medication, it can be:

  • Failed procedure (only 2 to 5% of procedures may fail). However, we guarantee the procedure.

In both procedures, less than 1% of women may experience some complication.

Remember that each case is different and unique. If you need personalized help, you can send us a WhatsApp. The law supports you.

Moreover, thanks to the “MODIFICATION of points,, 6.6.1, and of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-190-SSA1-1999, Health services provision. Criteria for medical care of family violence, to become NOM-046-SSA2-2005. Family, sexual violence, and against women. Criteria for prevention and care, published on April 16, 2009.” Published in the DOF on 03/23/2016; In case of pregnancy due to rape, services for voluntary termination of pregnancy must be provided in cases permitted by law, in accordance with the legal provisions for the protection of the rights of victims, upon written request under oath from the affected person that said pregnancy is the result of rape; in the case of being under 12 years of age, at the request of their father and/or mother, or in their absence, their guardian or in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

What does “EMA” mean?

Early Medical Abortion

Where can I legally have an abortion?

Early Medical Abortion

If I am a minor, can I have an abortion?

Yes, if you are accompanied by an adult parent or guardian who presents their INE (National Electoral Institute card).

Is an EMA the same as a D&C?

No, D&Cs are outdated practices that the WHO does not recommend for the legal termination of pregnancy. At MSI Foundation, we perform safe and up-to-date EMA procedures, which you can review here.

Do you have abortion pills?

At MSI Foundation, we perform the procedure with medications, also called “abortion pills,” which are recommended by the WHO. We offer two options. You can learn more about each one here.

How do I know if I am pregnant?

Through a urine test, blood test, or ultrasound. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at (55) 5543-0000

How do I know if I am pregnant?

Through a urine test, blood test, or ultrasound. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at (55) 5543-0000

Are there different types of EMA?

Yes, EMA with medications, EMA by aspiration with oral analgesic, local anesthesia, or pain-free. Find out more about all the options available to you.

Your peace of mind, in the best hands.

We are certified by international organizations, we have national permits and we adhere to international medical guidelines.